Glasskube - Open source Kubernetes Package Manager

Glasskube - Open source Kubernetes Package Manager


Glasskube is an open-source project that simplifies package management in Kubernetes clusters. Additionally, this project is also used for providing marketplace integrations (e.g., in Exoscale).

As part of a redesign of the open-source project, a new architecture for the project is to be developed. At the same time, based on existing problems with current package managers and challenges in package management in the Kubernetes space in general, a sustainable community strategy is to be developed.


In this project, WhizUs has taken on the role of Kubernetes and community-building experts. Through a workshop, starting from a greenfield scenario, the new sustainable state-of-the-art architecture was developed. Based on the elaboration of the architecture and a new vision for the community strategy, initial measures for community building were defined, and an initial roadmap of the project was developed.

WhizUs supported or completely took over development to accompany the implementation. This included implementing backup and restore functionality, creating a release mechanism, and supportively developing Go components related to the CLI or the operator.


The first version of Glasskube was released 3 weeks after the workshop. The project quickly gained 300 GitHub stars, was among the trending GitHub repositories, and regularly appears in social media. The community and the number of contributors are steadily increasing.

We are excited to accompany Glasskube on its journey to becoming a successful open-source project and are proud of the results achieved so far.

  • Customer Glasskube
  • Service DevOps Consulting
  • Technologies Kubernetes, Go / Kubebuilder / cobra, Terraform, Velero, Helm
  • Timespan 2023, 2024